Skin Restoration.

Over the years, your skin can change and meld with your age for many reasons. This might be because of skincare routines, natural ageing, sun exposure, genetics, or maybe certain health conditions like eczema or acne. Whatever the reason, and whatever you’re looking to achieve with your skin, CIMED can help.

Why Skin Restoration?

As we get older, natural tissues and substances in our face can begin to deplete, and our skin can lose it’s underlying support. Because of this, we might get hollow areas, sagging skin, or wrinkles.

Skin restoration treatment can help those who want to prevent or reverse these effects through non-surgical procedures. These procedures can replace lost tissue under the skin, and restore the contour of the face.

How does it work?

The areas of the face that we treat include; lips, cheeks, nasolabial folds, mouth corners, jaw line, sagging eyelids, tear troughs, chin volume and creasing.

Different products are used for different areas of the face and depending on the product used and area of injection, results can last 9 to 24 months.

For more information about the pharmaceutical products involved in the process, book your consult today!

Want to learn more?

Have a chat with our cosmetic physician to learn more about this procedure, and what’s right for you and your body.