Micro needling

Micro Needling (or Skin Needling) Is the use of a micro-needling device for the rejuvenation of the skin. A fine needle punctures stimulate the skin to form new collagen and elastin, which leads to the reduction of scars and wrinkles, an improved overall skin texture and firmness and hydration of the skin. It is considered one of the safest skin treatments and causes minimal damage to the skin.

Why Micro Needling?

  • Treatment of scars (including hypertrophic scars) caused by acne, surgery or thermal burns

  • Fading stretch marks

  • Treatinment of fine lines and deep wrinkles

  • To tightening sagging skin.

Who can get micro needling?

Micro Needling can be performed on all skin types and is suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

It can be used on all areas of the scalp, face and body, including fragile skin lines around the eyes, mouth and neck.

What’s the aftercare like?

The patient can return to regular activities on the same day of the treatment. The procedure can take from a few minutes to an hour to complete, depending on the area to be treated and the severity of the problem.

  • A topical numbing cream can be used on the treatment area and there is minimal discomfort.

  • Usually 4 to 6 treatments are needed and these can be done once a week to once every 3 weeks.

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